izu peninsula

The Izu peninsula in Japan is a lovely little patch of the Filipines plate welded onto the coast of Japan. It's riddled with such delights as hot springs, ryokan, and geological artifacts. And it's well worth repeat visits.

izu peninsula

izu peninsula

59 photos in this collection.

The Izu penninsula in Japan is a little slice of heaven. Well geologically speaking it's a little slice of the Filipines plate, but in any event it's one of the finest places I've found in this country.

2009.05 - izu trip with kamil

2009.05 - izu trip with kamil

16 photos in this collection.

The ultimate side trip from Tokyo; taking a visitor to Japan out into the country and relaxing at a tradition-soaked onsen ryokan.

In this case, our visitor was Doctor Zaniewski.

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