vancouver photo study

I spent a year in Vancouver, really exploring the world of photography for the first time.

vancouver - seawall

vancouver - seawall

46 photos in this collection.

Vancouver\'s sea-wall is an ever-changing place marking the boundary between the urban landscape and the Pacific.

vancouver - firewalk

vancouver - firewalk

12 photos in this collection.

vancouver - autumn

vancouver - autumn

39 photos in this collection.

vancouver - garden

vancouver - garden

21 photos in this collection.

vancouver - 200206

vancouver - 200206

105 photos in this collection.

vancouver - 200207

vancouver - 200207

107 photos in this collection.

vancouver - 200208

vancouver - 200208

55 photos in this collection.

snow in vancouver

snow in vancouver

38 photos in this collection.

During my thirteen months in Vancouver, I even got to see it snow on one occasion. It was my first time seeing a palm tree under snow.

vancouver - marathon

vancouver - marathon

46 photos in this collection.

vancouver - buildings

vancouver - buildings

31 photos in this collection.

autumn in vancouver

autumn in vancouver

39 photos in this collection.

Autumn in Canada is a great time for colours and variable weather. Vancouver in particular really puts on a show during Autumn.

vancouver - black and white

vancouver - black and white

22 photos in this collection.

vancouver - greenery

vancouver - greenery

25 photos in this collection.

vancouver - mtgrouse

vancouver - mtgrouse

16 photos in this collection.

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