silence of the pigs (1 of 2)
This is a former abattoir for pigs. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was the scene of the only time in my life when I've ever experienced anything that could be construed as a ghost encounter. It was an unexplained noise that came from just past the dilapidated fiberglass wall. As I blundered about taking these photos, there suddenly came the sound of footsteps as clear as in any busy subway station corridor. Left, right, left, right, someone was clearly approaching. They even brushed aside some of the brambles there. And just when I expected the person to come into view .. nothing. Now don't get me wrong. This wasn't "hey that kinda sounds like footsteps", this was such an everyday sound that it couldn't be mistaken for anything else. There were even the small sounds of things crunching underfoot. Naturally, I went to find the person and unrattle my nerves. See the next photo for what I saw.