
Location: Vancouver

This disturbingly over-exposed shot (which was exposed while the entire song Haunted/When the Minutes Drag by Love and Rocket played, a full 8 minutes!) shows a number of problems. Foremost is the annoying streak that the negative scanner sometimes adds to images (this is not an artifact of the development process, I've seen it on a number of scans that had no defect on the film). Secondly, I''ve lost all of the amazing detail in the water that was so effective in some of the much-shorter exposures of the same scene. Lastly, I''m not sure that I had my tripod properly level (which is difficult, on concrete, in the dark). But the rocks are nicely lit, and the sky has a surreal, flat look like a backdrop. I''m not sure why the buildings appear slightly bent (again, they could just be leaning from the uneven tripod legs). In all, an interesting but dissapointing shot.

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