my grandfather's funeral speech

1999 (updated : 1999.09.10)

This is the speech I wrote for my grandfather's funeral. Writing a funeral speech is difficult work, and while I don't wish it on anyone I'm sharing this for those with that chore before them.

I gave this on the day before my 28th birthday, during the kind of snowstorm that keeps all but funeral-goers off the road. On the way there, my (then live-in) girlfriend lost control of the car. Only half an hour before the service was due to start, the car was nose-first in a ditch. We were still 30 kilometers from town. Needless to say, we arrived late, rattled, and apologetic.

Knowing that I might be reading this speech through tears, I printed the thing in large type. But in the end, it wasn't necessary. Perhaps our little car crash sharpened my focus, because I was not overcome as the other speakers were.

I'm not sure that these were the things I wanted to say, or that they'd be the things I'd say tomorrow if I had to. But that's the hell of funeral speeches, you can't plan them ahead of time, or write them after you've gotten used to the deceased's passing....

By posting this, I hope it might help someone in some way.

For those who don't know me, my name is Michael Werneburg. I want to say a few words in memory of my grandfather.

Kenneth McKenzie Johnston lived a remarkable life, one that inspired me greatly. His adventurous attitude, his broad range of interests, and his happy demeanor made him a wonderful person to know. He was patient, and generous with his time and affection.

He always took an interest in the people he met: there were few people he wouldn't engage at any time or place. I introduced him to many of my friends over the years, and they always told me how interesting he'd been.

My grandfather pursued his many endeavors diligently, and always rose to meet a challenge. I always felt that he expected the same of me, too.

He was philosophical in his approach to life. He especially had a great perspective when it came to the little things, never displaying anger or impatience. Instead, he showed a great dignity and humor.

He extended this philosophy no matter what obstacle he faced. I have always admired this trait as it doesn't seem to have been handed down.

The strength of his character showed even in criticism. With a few wry words, my grandfather could be far more damning than most people could achieve with any strong language.

I'll miss the news of his strange adventures, and I'll miss the stories from the seven continents he visited; I'll miss the tales of evil two-year-old grandchildren; about his old friends; and his 'child bride'. Stories he told again and again, in the same exacting detail with every telling.

I'll miss his perspective and his gentle humor. I'll miss the surprising depth and scope of his knowledge. I'll miss the warmth he extended to everyone he met.

I will miss my grandfather dearly. But I will treasure his memory forever.

Reading it, years later, I see that it misses the mark a bit. But then, there was no need to mention things like the man's constant criticism or his refusal to stop driving though he'd begun to drift off behind the wheel.

And there was one item that I really should have mentioned though it might have been difficult for the audience. As a doctor, my grandfather spent his career pushing his patients to come clean with their loved ones whenever he had to tell those patients that they were at the end of their life. But my grandfather never did this with us, he just kept it to himself for at least two years, puttering around the house labeling items according to whom he intended to leave them following his death.

I mention this now because it's been more than a decade since I gave this speech, and it's only now that I realize that I had a chance to send an important message to my grandfather's colleagues. This was the only chance I'd ever have in my life to speak before a room full of doctors about an important matter.

But I guess that's expecting too much for a young man giving his first funeral speech. I'll leave it to anyone who finds this page to consider the matter if they're crafting a speech of their own.

the funeral speech I couldn't give

I spoke at my Grandfather's funeral, but could not do so for my Oma.

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just wanted to let you know that i am giving a funeral speech about my grandfather this week, and found yours to be truly touching and similar to the sentiment i will be expressing.

2002.11.05 00:00:00

Thanks. I hope it works out/worked out. I know how tough they can be to write.


my grandfather

it was beautiful

2009.06.25 00:00:00

Um, thanks, anonymous person!


my grandfather's funeral speech

this is very deep and and helps me make my speech for grandfathers funeral.

He will be passing soon, so i jst want to get it ready..

good speech.

2009.10.04 00:00:00

I'm sorry for your loss, and glad I could help in some way.


the best funreal speech to a grandfather i have ever heard

2010.02.24 06:07:21

Thanks, Matty. Many people have commented over the years, I'm glad to have helped.


Thankx my grandfather just died yesterday and I can't write speeches for the life of me you,ve gave me some good topics and ideas!!!!!!

2010.03.22 23:52:12

I'm sorry for your loss, Ellen, and am glad that I could help.


I'm giving a speech for my grandfather's funeral this Friday. Your post was the first hit on Google and I found it very inspiring. Thank you for posting.

2010.05.05 18:34:19

Glad I could help in some way, Ian.


i luv this speech i am even using it for my assignment

2010.08.16 15:13:41

Glad it was of use. Can I ask, what assignment involves funeral speech writing?


Hi just wanted to say a big thank-you for sharing your speech. I will be speaking at my grandfathers funeral on wednesday and it as helped me alot. It is inspiring, well written and has an honest approach that i also wanted to convey. By the way i dont think you should be too harsh on yourself looking back at your speech 10 years on. I think when you are grieving you always focus on a persons positive points- if you cant forgive them for their flaws in death when can you?? thanks again nat

2011.09.19 18:36:43

Very glad I could help. I think you raise a good point, too. Fare well in your difficult time.


I am thirteen and my granddad died in the early hours of this morning and i got asked to say the speech at his funeral so i thought i might get on it right away because i knew it would take a long time to write it correctly then i read this and it brought a tears to my eyes its beautiful. If you don't mind could i use some of it in my speech please. xxx

2011.09.24 17:24:22

Please feel free to use any part of the speech if it can help you. I'm sorry to hear of your loss and wish you all the best.


I am 11 and nd, it's my Great-grandmothers funeral is today and I needed to write a sppech. This was the first one that popped up on Google. Thank you so much. And, it's beautifully written.

2011.10.20 16:56:59

Thanks for your kind words. I hope your speech went well. All the best to you and your family, Ashlee.


tnxs so much for this wonderful speech,this is the most suitable speech for my class project

2011.10.23 21:06:37

Glad it could help. I'm always curious when I see this sort of comment - how this could be a class project....


Hello Michael, My name is Jason and I have been working on my grandfathers eulogy for about a day now. I have most of my thoughts written in note form. I was looking for "how to compose a eulogy" when I came across your post. I liked your format and remember that the notes on the bottom contained some good advise on how write and prepare.. I found the link but I can no longer open the page.. I was hoping if you had time tonight or tomorrow that you could copy the page with the eulogy and notes underneath.and email it back to me... It would be a great help. Thank you, Jason

2011.10.27 09:55:27

Hi, Jason. The website's server software wasn't working for some reason. I've restarted the server and all is well. Thank you for the warning that it wasn't working.

It's not easy, coming up with the right words when you've just lost someone. At my grandmother's funeral I was unable to speak because I'd just gone through the breakup of an engagement to marry and despite her being very dear to me I couldn't get through it.

All the best with your writing endeavor.


awww..Michael. dis is really good for my class project and for my deceased uncle. Thanks for this Michael

2011.11.18 18:00:59

Odd combination of uses, but I'm glad it could help. Thanks for writing.


This is touching.. my PawPaw passed on Sep 20... TRYING to make a scrapbook... I was looking for something to put in it... Thank you very much!

2011.12.23 22:31:52

Sorry to hear of your loss. Good luck with your project.



2011.12.24 00:00:00



The best speech I have ever heard, it really helped me write a speech for my grandfather. Thanks so much Michael

2012.01.11 01:09:23

Glad it could help!


Hi Mike you've made my day.I was crying my heart out remembering the very good things about my mother who expired on April 25th of 2011,I was searching for my sons speech that he gave for his grandmother for comfort that was posted on You Tube.Then I came accross your speech how inspiring my tears were dried immediately,I kept reading & reading, the more I read the better i felt.I wouild like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for that inspiration.All the very best for 2012 with Gods richest blessings.Peace.

2012.01.15 17:07:41

Very glad to hear it, Diane. All the best to you as well.


Thank you so much for sharing this my grandad passed away a week ago and I want to talk about him tomorrow at his funeral but I'm struggling. Your speech has given me the inspiration required. Thank you

2012.02.02 02:49:28

All the best, Tracy.


This speech was truely inspireing. my grandad died of pancreatic cancer and was taken so quickly. i wanted a speech that would make him proud and with this speech you have given me some amazing and incredible ideas. THANK YOU :D

2012.02.16 03:37:56

Very glad that it could be of some help. Thanks for writing!


My grandfather passed away last week. I want to thank you for this. All the best. God Bless

Jake Robinson
2012.02.21 02:10:03

My pleasure, Jake. Thanks for leaving your comments, and best wishes to you and your family.


This speech was truely inspireing. my grandad died of pancreatic cancer and was taken so quickly. i wanted a speech that would make him proud and with this speech you have given me some amazing and incredible ideas. THANK YOU :D

2012.02.16 03:37:56

Kelly, I'm not sure whether I've already responded to your comment, but I'm very glad I could help.

All the best to your family.


Hi Michael, Thank you soo much for sharing this. I had to write a speech today for a dear friends funeral. I searched for hours trying to find help on how to do it and what to write. When I came across your speech everything just fell into place. It turned out absolutely perfect! Thanks again for sharing;) letter everything just fell into place. My speech

2012.03.03 18:06:29

I'm glad I could help. I seem to hear a similar story about once a week from similarly bereaved people.

All the best to you and your family.


Thank-you soo much... My grandfather has recently passed and I needed to write a speech but just didn't know how to start and what to mention! You've helped so much. Really Appreciated !

2012.03.25 16:33:04

Glad to have helped, Mel.


That was really moving, thank you for sharing this. You seem to me like an authentic person who sees things real, be proud of this.

2012.03.27 11:56:53

Authentic? Well, thanks for that. I guess if you don't have personality, character can stand in its stead.


My grandfather passed away 2 days bck . I wnt to say thanks for this. God bless u.

2012.04.19 23:58:38

Glad I could help, Rohit! Be well.


Thank you so much! I have a project to write a 4 page funeral oration for an emperor of Ancient Rome and I didn't know how to make it sound less like a biography and more like a funeral oration. This really helped.

2012.04.28 21:57:36

I'm glad to hear. And a bit surprised.


It seems so movie TV drama...would it be bad to kind of joke? Because my great grandma just died and i don't really have emotions about anything...

2012.05.19 11:08:53

It's not really a joking matter, but you could always tell stories that will appeal to people based on your happy memories or funny incidents that showed the positive things about the deceased. All the best to you, whatever you decide.

P.S. Don't try to second-guess your emotional state; death is a shock and shocks are unpredictable. If you don't find yourself feeling what you'd expect, set aside expectation and go with what you really feel.



Pri kimberley
2012.05.24 15:19:25



Your speech has greatly helped me. My Grandfather just passed away Monday (06/25/12) and as a writer, I felt obligated to write something in honor and memory of him for his funeral. However, when I sat down to write the speech, I was at a loss. I just became very emotional and put off writing it. My older cousin decided to take the easy way out and make a photo power point, and now I feel as if I have a bar to reach with my speech. I was very close with my grandfather, as well as the rest of my family, but the words just would not come out. Then I stumbled upon google where I found your speech. I am so glad I did. Its given me a guide on what is okay to say. I've never been to a funeral before, so I'm basically winging it. But this put me in the right direction which I thank you for. Tomorrow I give (or attempt to) my speech. Let's hope this goes well.

2012.06.28 09:53:05

I'm glad I could be of some help, Shelby.


Thank you so much for this speech,it has really helped me for my project,all the same God bless you

2012.08.06 06:39:01

Glad it could help in some way.


Hi Michael....! you just made my day full of Ecstasy... I'll use dis as my own speech 2 represent my department. Thanks brother...

Michael ikechukwu
2012.08.06 12:09:05

...okay then?


I've been working on an assignment that involves speech writing.Now coming across ur speech just reminded me of my late grandpa.Its a good speech you wrote there nd i think it will me out in my speech writing.Dou mind

2012.08.06 18:14:27

Thanks for your comments.


Hi Michael, Thank You! Your speech inspire my daughter to go before the family to speak about her grandfather. Young adults/teens sometimes have trouble speaking before an audience or expressing themselves clearly. Thanks again

2012.08.07 01:16:32

That's great to hear, Marie, thank you for taking the time to leave a note. I'm sorry to hear of your loss.


this has helped me in my assignment on speech writting

2012.08.12 10:27:21



Thank you so much Michael! Your speech has helped me to adjust my words and thoughts during the funeral service of a person who has become a father to me. God Bless!

Rev Fr François Kouao
2012.08.22 11:46:37

Very glad I could help. Thank you for taking the time to write.



2012.09.19 18:23:58

All the best, Steven, sorry to hear of your loss. Thanks for leaving a comment on my website.


I luv ur speech can I use it as a project plz

2012.10.17 17:52:35

In a project? What kind of project is it, Layla?


Hi Michael - I found your page when my grandfather was terminally ill and in his final days a few weeks ago. I am not one to speak publicly, but knew I wanted to stand up at his funeral and say something to honour his memory - I just had no idea where to start... Reading your speech gave me the strength to believe I could do the same and I used it as the foundation to prepare what ended up becoming his eulogy, which I delivered about one week later. (It turned out no one else had prepared a speech and I found out at the service that I was delivering the eulogy, not just one of a few or many speeches.) If it had not been for your help, I could not have written the speech and despite a large family and nearly 100 people who attended the funeral, no one would have stood up to give a personal perspective of this amazing man's life. Even more amazing was that it even inspired my 14 year old son to stand with me and deliver a speech of his own at the funeral. I have never been more proud. Thank you so very much for your kind and generous gift. I hope you have some sense of just how meaningful it has been to those of us who have borrowed your strength when we needed it most.

Melissa Kidd
2012.10.22 22:59:41

I'm very glad that I could help, Melissa. It's humbling that you were able to draw some strength from my scribblings. And your news about your son is encouraging, I can only hope that my kids (still small) will be that same way.

Thank you for taking the time to write!


Thank you so much for your great words of advice. I an 13 and my grandpa died two days ago and it means alot that someone like you can help. I an sorry for your loss.

2012.11.08 20:23:31

Glad I could help. All the best to you and your family.


I typed in "speech at a funeral" and yours was the first one (and only one) that I read. It is very beautifully written and your heart-felt memories about your grandfather made it easy for me to remember and write about my wonderful memories with my stepdad. Thank you for sharing.

2012.12.13 18:48:41

Thanks for taking the time to leave some feedback, I'm glad my speech for my grandfather helped.


Michael- Thank you for posting your speech - it is wonderful. I also felt obligated to speak at my grandfather's funeral about 10 years ago. I have gone over the speech in my head ten thousand times since then. Family and friends came to me after the speech and told me it was awesome and I should have been a preacher. I also have some remorse about the speech, though, and I can't figure out if it is warranted or not - At a point in the speech, I stated that "I didn't have a father around for a few years when I was young" (due to my parent's divorce and a deadbeat dad - of course I didn't say that) and that "my grandfather treated me like a father treated his own son". Evidently, this ruffled my older brother and stepfather, as if I had put them in a bad light, and to this day I think it still is contentious. They have never said anything to me, but my wife heard rumblings. It was never my intention to hurt feelings - only to remind people of the type of man he was. Anyway, I've never discussed with my family and really just needed to get this off my chest. If I had to do it over again, I probably still would say the same thing but possibly put it differently, I don't know. Anyways, thank you for your blog and allowing me to post.

2013.01.22 06:55:52

It sounds like you probably hit the mark with your speech. If some people can't help but make it "about them" at a funeral, what can you do!

It's easy to see how a funeral can be an experience that stays with you: I had just come through the dissolution of my engagement to marry when my grandmother died, and I didn't have the reserves to speak at her funeral. I've always regretted that.

Thanks for taking the time to write.


Michael, Having recently lost my very special 'Gramps' I would like to say some words at his funeral next week, but at the moment I can't find the words to truly capture what a wonderful man he was and how much we loved him. I wanted to let you know that your tribute is fantastic, it sounds like your grandfather was a great inspiration to you. Thank you for sharing this.

2013.02.18 15:01:40

Very glad I could help, Steph. All the best in your time of grief.


This has really helped me a lot. What a lovely speech I have my grandads funeral next Thursday I was lost for words . X

2013.02.22 15:28:06

I'm very glad that it has helped you in some way. All the best in your time of grief.


Thanks for this. my grandad died on sunday night peacefully. I want to say sometihng at his funeral because he was the best grandad i could ever think off. thanks for some ideas. going to use yours as a template.

2013.03.12 10:53:13

Thanks for leaving a note, David. I'm glad that I could in some small way help.

All the best to you and your family.


This has helped so much in writing my speech at my Grandmother's funeral on Thursday as it is only the second funeral that I will have attended, and the first where the deceased will have been a close family member. This has helped me so much and I'm sure your Grandfather will be very proud of you for the beautiful eulogy and helping so many people in their time of need. Thank you.

2013.03.12 19:35:20

I'm very glad that I could help, Phoebe. I hope that the speech went well. All the best in your time of loss.


Hi Michael, am greatly relieved in seeing this. Thank you for this beautiful eulogy it‘s really a help.

2013.04.03 02:30:50

Very glad to have helped, Ezekiel.


Hey Michael, cheers this really helped me in preparing a speech for my grandmother that passed away recently, I was a bit stumped on how to write things but seeing your speech gave me ideas on how to start it and finish. Thanks so much.

2013.05.02 07:22:45

Glad to hear it, Ray. All the best with your speech and here's looking to a better day when your grief is past.


Hey Michael, Thanks a lot for posting this speech .I too had a grandfather, until day-before-yesterday. I hope i can make up a decent speech for him. It helped , so thanks bro :)

2013.05.02 23:53:55

Thanks for writing, Dhruvin. I'm very glad my humble website could help. All the best to you and your family, and good luck with the speech.


Thanx very much for posting the speech.It has helped me to finish my assignment on time.

jared luvaha
2013.05.08 03:18:54

What assignment was that, Jared?


Thanks I loved it. Using Parts for my grandads funeral.

2013.05.26 13:06:51

Glad it could help.


Best speech ever mate.great wisdom words carefully

2013.06.01 17:48:56

Glad I could help.


thanks for posting this, its beautiful, really helped me in my assignment :)

2013.06.02 12:34:07

Glad it could help. I have to say, that whenever I see a comment related to a school assignment I wonder what the purpose of the assignment is...


Dear Michael, Thank you for posting this, it's a beautiful funeral speech.

funeral speech
2013.06.15 11:17:24

Very glad you liked it.


Dear Michael, Thanks for sharing your speech. I have to write a speech for my grandfather's funeral and I found yours most helpful. Thanks for sharing! Wilhelm

2013.06.24 11:52:30

Thanks for your note, Wilhelm. All the best to you and your family in this time of loss. Good luck with your speech.


Pwuh, heart felt, micheal can i use it as a funeral speech for my assignment

2013.07.01 15:44:40

Certainly, Joy. What's the assignment?


Hi Michael, Did you ever think this post would still be helping people over 2 yrs after you posted? I just lost my grandfather last Saturday and the thought of writing a few words was just overwhelming. Thanks for alleviating some of my stress.

2013.07.24 20:25:21

I'm glad it could help, Michelle. All the best to you and your family in this difficult time.

P.S. I originally wrote and posted this in the late 90's, it's been about fourteen years. 8^/


Hi Michael my grandfather passed away yesterday. i wasnt sure how to right a speach. but when i looked at thise post. i thought it is going to be hard and emotional but i'm going to get through it.

2013.08.06 23:09:43

I'm sorry for your loss, Crystal. All the best with your speech.


Thanks for this wonderful speech... God bless everyone..

2013.08.17 02:44:38

Thanks for your comment, Jules. 8)


My 88 year old grandfather who is a WW II vet is coming home today from the hospital for in home hospice. He was diagnosed with Cancer nearly 3 years ago. He is an amazing man and I want to honor him when he passes. Your speech gave me a great format so I will hopefully be able to convey the perfect message.

Amy Bryant
2013.09.09 22:17:58

Thanks for leaving your note, Amy. I'm glad you found something to make it easier.

All the best to you and your family.


Thank you for sharing this speech. I am speaking at my grandfather's funeral tomorrow and was struggling prior to reading your speech.

2013.10.03 13:46:16

Thanks for your comment, Christy. Good luck with your speech, and I wish you and family well in your time of loss.


Hi its Sphiwe I lost my granddad thursday so am googling the speech 4 him please help

2013.10.19 15:58:46

Sorry to hear of your lost, Sphiwe. Is there any advice I can give that's not already in the article on my website?


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. It has provided so much inspiration in such a hard and tough time. I am currently in the midst of writing a speech for my grandma, who I was extremely close to. Trying to condense someone so wonderful's life, and all the fond memories and what they have taught you into a speech is really tough. Thanks again for sharing this!

2013.11.27 18:37:54

Thanks for your kind comment. I agree, it's crazy and impossible but that's why I think it's important to speak to only one or two important things that the audience can share. All the best with your speech, Lucy, and to your family in their time of grief.


My brother fell at sleep about three weeks ago in Africa. I am thinking of giving a speech but dont know how. Will you let me use some of your paragraphs. Thnaks

Peter Kokou
2013.12.07 17:25:14

Yes, use anything you like in preparing your own speech, Peter. Sorry to hear about your loss.

All the best to you and your family.


Its really nice and heart touching

Rajendra Patni
2013.12.17 10:33:43

Thanks for your comment, Rajendra.


Seriously thank you so much for posting this, It is so hard to find the words sometimes. This was truly inspiring. I am giving my speech at my grandfathers funeral tomorrow. So i think it is the least i could do to post what i am saying at my grandfathers funeral. These are more or less notes so please ignore my many errors. Hi my name is James I am the oldest grandchild and Wesley’s favorite grandson (the only one). Thank you everyone for taking time out of your busy lives to be here with us to celebrate the life of Wesley . Wesley was the greatest grandfather a kid could ask for. Growing up nothing was more exciting than taking the long drive up the 5 to fresno to visit my grandparents. I remember all the warm days spent by the pool, and the many trips we went on. I remember the joy he brought in everything we did, whether it be a trip to story book land to retrieve a sorely lost shoe or a day spent at home watching football or golf with the bbq going and I remember playing cards and building forts. I remember his support in everything I pursued, whether it be the arts or photography or sports. He would teach me how to use my camera, come watch my football games, he would cherish everything I ever made in my art classes. He always had a way to help no matter what it was I did. He had an incredible talent, being a teacher, and as some of you may know I have not always been the best student, but I when he used to draw me problems out in his sketch book for some reason it always made a little more sense. He would sit with me out on the porch by the spa in that house in clovis I loved so much in my youth and draw out geometry theorems for me over and over until it finally sunk in. He was very patient with me. He would make sure to show me all angles of whatever it was to ensure I didn’t just know the formulas I understood them. In this time of celebration of his life I always try to remember that we carry him with us every day in everything we do. The thing I really wanted to say most, was just that, I see him in all of us, in my grandmother, my aunts and uncles, my sisters, my cousins, my own parents, especially my dad, everyone here today. Whether it be our sense of humor, our patience, our gift of teaching, our artistic talent, our general warm hearted disposition, our passion for life, and compassion for others, our incredible strength in the face of diversity, or even the trademarked stubbornness. I see him. It is amazing how much I see him. It fills me with a complex emotion I can’t quite explain. I feel how badly I miss him, but I also feel like he hasn’t left and he never will. because he lives on in us, I try to remember that he will always be with me in my heart, and I can always see him in yours. Thank you so much for coming. Please to anyone going through a hard time like this just remember, you dont have to say something inspiring. Just say what how you feel. Say what you want to be said. Thanks to everyone on this site I hope everyone struggling will find what they are looking for.

James A Friend
2013.12.19 06:16:51

Thank you, Jamaes, for sharing your words of remembrance and advice. All the best to your family at this time.


Thank you for your help my grandfather passed on Christmas morning and I have a hard time writing speeches so thanks you gave me some pretty good ideas

Kristynn Lynn
2013.12.29 06:19:04

I'm glad it could help, Kristynn.


Thank you .:)

2014.01.03 23:46:20

You're welcome.


I have just lost mum and dad in a car accident I have no idea what to say I am to emotional to speak I am a introvert and shy to speak and I have no one to speak for me who will speak I am not going to

Ian smith
2014.01.29 08:51:03

Ian, I am very sorry to hear of your loss. It took me a few days to respond, and then I let that go a little long; I apologize.

I have been to funerals of loved ones where I was too upset to speak, myself. Don't blame yourself, it's entirely natural. I don't know if your parents' funeral has already happened, but if not I can only recommend that standing to speak should only be something that helps you, not something that adds to the anguish. Don't feel pressured to do something that will only add to the pain.

On the other hand, if you can find someone who can counsel you, the entire process might help you find strength and closure.

All the best in your time of loss.


This has been so useful, it's my Grandads funeral next week, I spoke at my Grandmas funeral but I read a poem and a poem doesn't somehow seem right for my grandad. But when I think back I couldn't pin point one specific thing to mention so this has helped a lot!

2014.02.16 20:42:28

I'm glad it could help, Bethany. All the best to you and your family in this time of grief.


Awesome! it helped me with my assignment, it is good that your granddad left.

2014.03.01 11:27:42



WOW - what a touching speech! My grandfather passed away a few days ago and I found this so inspiring for my speech. Your grandfather sounded like a wonderful man - very similar to mine! It's amazing after so many years how appropriate your speech is. Thanks again.

2014.04.01 15:35:02

Thank you for your kind comments, Justine.

All the best to you and your family in this time of mourning. All the best with your speech.


Mine died two days ago that is beautiful

2014.04.06 02:16:00

All the best, anonymous commenter!


Michael, after all the supportive and positive feedback you have received, I hope you are very proud of yourself, and if not you should be, especially doing so well after your accident! I lost my 34 year old Daughter and than my mother all in one week, and reading your eulogy has even helped me with my own grief. Well done Michael, your a shining light for a lot of people out here in the internet world! Kindest regards Jackie from Australia

Jackie Davis
2014.06.27 20:31:20

Oh, Jackie, I'm so sorry to hear of your terrible losses. It's deeply humbling that you would take the time to write under such circumstances.

All the best to you and your family in your time of grief.


thanks michael i want to say thanks for giving me advise anyway i really enjoyed ur speech,i am going to use it to me late Mailula Tumi

2014.08.17 14:34:05

Thanks for writing. All the best with your speech.


Thank you for posting this speech. I am writing a novel, and in it a funeral takes place, where the grandfather of a protagonist dies. This really helped me think about the formality and content in a funeral speech for a grandparent.

2014.09.06 21:35:22

Glad I could help. That's certainly a first as far as feedback is concerned. Good luck with your novel, I spent years working on one myself.


Hey Micheal your speech has given me an insight of a funeral speech my. Grandfather's memorial is scheduled for 24 October 2014

choolwe siamasamu
2014.09.17 10:46:11

Very glad to hear it. All the best in your time of loss.


Thz speech is just amazing;my grandfathers first anniversary comes in the next two days;i came across this and i just feel good even though he 's gone i now have something to write.thanks alot for the job and G od bless you

2014.09.22 10:40:54

I'm glad you found it helpful, Nicholas, and especially glad you managed to feel good about things. All the best to you and your family in your time of loss.


Michael, this is a great example and or template for someone who has trouble writing speeches. I would like to explain the project and assignment comments you receive. I am in a public speaking class and we are to give a commemorative speech 3-5 minutes in length. I am doing research and your speech came up. I hope the individuals who asked about using your speech weren't plagiarizing for their speech, but in any case I hope this clears up those weird comments.

Brian Yoder
2014.09.26 13:01:42

Thanks, Brian. Good luck with your class!


Hi Michael, Thank you so much for posting your speech. My grandfather died a week ago and I needed help putting a brief but thoughtful speech together. Thanks for sharing this.

Candace W.
2015.03.17 21:59:55

Sorry to hear of your loss, Candace. Good luck with your speech.


My granddad died yesterday im full of emotion im not to sure how to feel about my lost i have many good memories about him. My earliest is when i was fairly young. He was the one all the childern went to to get candy after church. Its the first major lost in 20 years. I enjoyed reading your speech and it was of great help. Thank you.

2015.06.19 16:21:10

Sorry for your loss, Mitch. Thanks for taking the time to write.


Hy Michael, Thanks for your speech, is very good to present for an assignment in school. i hope you'll allow me to use any part of it? i really appreciate

Ogbonnaya Nnamdi
2015.06.21 10:57:11

I don't mind, people have been doing that for years. Be sure to use your own words, though — you can get out of school what you put in.


Hey Michael, I want to thank you so much for posting that great speech! My grandfather passed away recently and I couldn't put to words for how I would prepare my speech to explain how much he meant to me. Your speech was the first I read and your grandfather sounds a lot like mine. I put it all into my own words but the base of my speech came from how highly you spoke of your grandfather. You are a great man for showing others what you said about your grandfather and I hope many others read it

Josh cockburn
2016.04.11 00:00:00

Very glad it helped, Josh. It's not easy, writing something like that. I had such difficulty when my paternal grandmother died that I couldn't get up and speak.

All the best to you and your family in your time of loss.

And thanks for taking the time to write. I only recently turned on comments on my website again, after a long break.


I'm sorry I did not leave an email on my last message. I'm sending this message to you with my email this time. Just in case you would like to respond.

Josh cockburn
2016.04.11 19:54:51

Gotcha. ;)


This helped alot. Im putting together a speech for my grandmother who just past away on the 5th. Your speech caught my eye and i was complety lost on how to start. This would be my first speech ever so i need to start some where. Thanks alot for ur speech.......

2016.05.07 12:38:11

Glad it could help, Sandra. All the best to your family during your time of loss.


Dear Michael, I am so very sorry for your loss. My Grandfather died today and I want to say something in his memory at his funeral. Your speech grately inspired and help me as I am in no condition to write one right now.

2016.06.07 09:23:38

Sorry to hear of your loss, Emilie. Very glad my write-up could help in some way. All the best in your time of grief.


May his gentle soul rest in peace! I also want to write a funeral speech for my grand father, can i make use of some ideas in your speech? thanks

2016.06.23 07:17:41

Of course you may, Hanan. All the best to you and your family in your time of loss.


I just lost My Uncle Due To a Car Accident 💔 Duriing Times like this its hard to Write somethiing .Your Speech Helped me Alot Thank You Very Much

2016.07.03 11:05:49

Very sorry to hear of your loss. Glad my speech could help in some way. All the best to your family during this time, it must be rough.


Thank you for sharing this, it was tremendously helpful in structuring my speech for my grandfather's funerals and finding the right tone, after struggling to compose my thoughts. I'm very grateful that you shared your remarks, they've obviously been valuable to many people already.

2016.10.31 00:52:22

Very glad it could be of some help, Philippe. All the best to you and your family in your time of loss.


Thank you Michael. My grandfather died yesterday and I already miss him. I want to say something at his funeral and this page really helped me. Thanks so much

2016.12.21 18:03:07

I'm glad it could help in some small way, Eva. All the best to your family.


Thankyou for your speech it has really helped me shape my grandpa's speech during his funeral

Reagan Mumo
2017.01.03 10:01:08

I'm glad it could be of some help. Thank you for letting me know. All the best to your family in your time of loss.


Thank you for sharing this. My Grandad passed on Tuesday and im finding it difficult to cope, but i want to be strong and let people know how much he means to me, this has helped me shape what i'd like to say, so thank you.

2017.01.12 18:20:25

Very glad it could help, Rob. Be well.


thank you so much

2017.01.23 11:06:43

All the best.


Very heart warming

2017.06.16 06:44:45

Thanks, Eric.


My grandfather passed away 2 days ago and I was told to write a speech. I couldn't put into words how much I missed him. Reading your speech helped very much thank you. Your grandfather's personality is very similar to mine. Thank you again.

2017.10.06 22:52:27

I'm sorry for your loss, Meera. I'm glad my old write-up could be of some help to you.


my grandpa died on holloween witch is not a joke,r.i.p raymond ward 10/31/2017

2017.11.03 15:53:55

Very sorry to hear it, Donald. All the best to you and your family.


Hello, my grandfather died due to cancer he had been suffering eith for what we now know has been 18months plus. We only found out about it 17 hours before he died! My grandfather was not just a grandfather, he was my friend, my hero, my peter pan (a story teller, a big child, an adventurer). Him & i had a special bond and love for one another that neither of us, nor our family members could explain. He was my everything. His funeral is friday 2nd march and im giving a speech. I cant find the words that actually sums this man up. He was unbelievable. I cant tell you how much he meant to me. And im terrified of people seeing me cry (always have been, obviously some kind of psychological issue). What you said was lovely though.

2018.02.22 17:06:42

Very sorry to hear of your loss, Georgina. I wish you all the best, and my advice: don't worry about people seeing you cry, they'll be crying too.


This is such a lovely heartfelt speech.Thank you for sharing it. My dear Grandad died a few days ago and we are celebrating his life on Monday. I found your words helped me express what I would like to say if I can muster the courage to share at such an emotional time. Thank you so much for sharing.

2018.04.28 10:04:15

I'm sorry for your loss, Emma. All the best to your family.

Thanks for leaving a comment!



2018.05.25 04:23:04

Great, glad I could help.


i love your funeral speech i will use it at my grandfather funeral

adriana scotland
2018.08.11 17:56:10

All the best with your speech, Adriana. Sorry to hear of your loss.


I can understand your pain and i loved your speech

2018.10.04 02:44:19

Thanks for your note, Simran.


very encouraging

2019.01.22 07:00:55

Glad it could help, my friend.


I read this and i get emotional, i am going to deliver a speech at my grand father on behalf of us grandchildren for the first time and i got hint but more emotional. This is inspiring and educational.

Anna moses
2019.07.31 07:17:21

Good luck with your speech, Anna. I'm very glad my words could help.


Thank you, it encouraged me, speaking from your heart.

Emanuel Roscoe Wilkins
2019.12.10 17:31:39

Glad to hear it could be of some help, Emanuel! All the best to you and your family in your time of loss.


rand()m quote

Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything.

—John Kenneth Galbraith