
2010.10.29 (updated : 2021.06.30)

Thanks to my Oma, who had to prove to the Nazi government that my Opa was not Jewish, I have a substantial block of genealogical data for my Opa's family. Sadly, I don't have such information for my Oma's family. Because I lost it, to my shame: the only thing I've ever really regretted losing. Happily, I have quite a bit of information about my mother's family because her father compiled quite a lot of dates and names over the years. Some day I'll work out how to put this all online in a cogent fashion.

Here are some articles my family has unearthed during our genealogy research. The family names include Werneburg, Johnston, Hunte, Blott, MacKenzie, Mainzer, Fretz....

Neil MacKenzie 1821-1921

This is a newspaper article about Neil MacKenzie, a hard-working pioneer ancestor. Think you have it tough? Read on....

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rand()m quote

...a man is always prey to his truths. Once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them.

—Albert Camus