
fiction by michael werneburg

"We certainly are, Jim. The cycles we're seeing on the expressway are modern bikes, one and all. These are bikes with a great top speed, almost frictionless internal mechanisms, and good handling even at speeds up to 150 kph. These are expensive machines, and we're seeing a lot of sponsored teams out on the expressway, now."

"So Dan, perhaps Tilescu's decision to cut across the Old Town was made in part out of a recognition of his limited cycle technology?"

"I'd say so, Jim. He's riding what can best be described as a testament to the will of the people of Dusylin to make something from nothing. It's so heavy and has so much internal friction that he's putting four times the energy into moving the bike than he should be. He needed a huge, absolutely huge lead to pull off what he's doing today. I can't help but wonder if he thought he'd slip by that first marker undetected. Perhaps he underestimated the zeal that Dusy sports fans have for the game; the spectators who spotted him crossing that first marker were there an hour before they were expecting any action."

Grinding my teeth, I had to hand it to the man; he had me on that count. But Garland was proving every bit as good as the Doctor had suggested. All I'd had to contend with so far was the fire in my knees and the occasion honk of support from a passing motorist.

"Dan, what's Norris riding, that he decided to take the stairs?"

"He's got a hybrid racer, Jim. Nothing like what we're seeing on the expressway, but two hundred years ahead of what Tilescu's riding, for sure. Part street racer, part off-road, it's a solid choice if you're planning on cutting across a mixed bag of terrains."

"I see from the reports," said the anchor, "that he's a former off-road competitor."

"That's almost right, Jim. He's actually still riding off-road. In fact, he's entered into the upcoming South Island rally next month."

"Dan, let's talk about what we saw up at the second marker. We've got reports now of two deaths from the crowd that was covering the marker. Surely their behavior is not within the bounds of the race."

"Jim, I think the crowd has realized that when the race's organizers limited the rules to 'Pass the finish line with photos of the three markers', they too could play a part. And who better to draw the support of the Dusy than a local underdog!"

"Well said, Dan. Now let's look at the last entry we haven't heard from in a while. She's Larisa Kuan, and boy has she been making up for lost time."

"Yes, she's just reaching the second marker now, and it's worth noting that she did so in just about half the time it took our leader. And while she hasn't attacked anyone en route, she's certainly cleared the intersection."

"I'm not surprised, Dan. With that stunt she pulled at the first marker, the crowd is wise to pull back. And with clear sailing through the intersection, she's heading for the route that will take her to the expressway. Any surprise there, Dan?"

"Not at all. She's riding a custom Newnorth cycle, one of the top few bikes in this race. She'll want to make the most of it, and her only chance of opening it up is on that expressway."

"And right on her heels is Laurence Hirami, the rider that caused a bit of a stir with a stun grenade in the first minute of the race. Now we know that Hirami couldn't have taken a photo of the first marker, yet he's still riding. Any ideas as to his plans, Dan?"

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