meaning'floating, float, rise to surface'
 kunyomiう.く, う.かれる, う.かぶ, む, う.かべる
うえよえukiyoe (Edo wood-block prints)
うきぐもdrifting cloud
浮かびがるうかびあがるto rise to the surface
浮かべるうかべるto float; to express; to think, to imagine, to remember
浮きうきfloat (fishing), buoy
浮きうきぼりrelief, embossed carving
浮きうきさんばしfloating pier
ふじょうsurfacing, rising to the surface
ふどうひょうswing vote
ふようfloating (in the air)
ふちんfloating and sinking, rise and fall, ebb and flow, ups and downs
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