meaning'article, clause, item, stripe, streak'
 onyomiジョウ, チョウ, デキ
 kunyomiえだ, すじ
じょうけんconditions, terms
いちじょうstreak, matter, quotation
しんこうかじょうarticles of faith
しんじょうcreed, belief, article of faith
ろうどうじょうけんworking conditions
どうめいじょうやくtreaty of alliance
せいじょうきStars and Stripes (US flag); Star-Spangled Banner (US anthem)
じょうけんつきconditionally, with conditions attached
じょうれいregulations, rules, laws, acts, ordinance
じょうぶんtext, provisions (act, treaty)
じょうやくtreaty, pact
じょうこうclause, article, stipulations
しきじょうcog rail
かじょうitems, errors, articles
じゅうきじょうheavy rail
てつじょうもう(barbed) wire entanglements
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