meaning'outburst, rave, fret, force, violence, cruelty, outrage'
 onyomiボウ, バク
 kunyomiあば.く, あば.れる
らんぼうrude, violent, rough, lawless, unreasonable
するぼうそうするto drive recklessly, to be out of control
きょうぼうbrutal, atrocious, ferocious
暴れるあばれるto act violently, to rage, to struggle, to be riotous
暴れんあばれんぼうhooligan, rowdy, roughneck, a rough
ぼうりょくviolence, mayhem
ぼうどうinsurrection, rebellion, revolt, riot, uprising
ぼうくんtyrant, despot
ぼうかんhoodlum, ruffian
ぼうらくslump, crash, heavy fall, decline
ぼうぎゃくtyranny, outrage, atrocity, cruel
ぼうこうassault, outrage, act of violence
ぼうそうrunning wildly, reckless driving, runaway, rampage
ばくろdisclosure, exposure, revelation
ぼうふうstorm, windstorm, gale
ぼうとうsudden rise, sharp rise, boom, skyrocketing
おうぼうviolence, oppression, high-handedness, tyranny, despotism
じぼうじきdesperation, despair, self-abandonment
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