meaning'cheerful, pleasant, agreeable, comfortable'
ゆかいpleasant, happy
かいせいgood weather
快なけいかいなlight, nimble, sprightly, jaunty
かいてきpleasant, agreeable, comfortable
ふかいunpleasant, displeasure, discomfort
ふゆかいdiscomfort, unpleasantness, disagreeableness, unhappiness
快いこころよいpleasant, agreeable
かいさいjoy, exultation
かいさいをさけぶto shout with exultation, to shout for joy
かいきょbrilliant achievement
かいほうにおもむくto improve, to get better, to convalesce
調かいちょうharmony, excellent condition
かいだくready consent
かいそくhigh speed, celerity, mobility, express (train that bypasses many stations)
ゆかいはんcriminal who takes delight in people's reaction to his crimes
めいかいclarion, clarity
きんかいpleasant, delightful
そうかいrefreshing, exhilarating
ごうかいhearty, exciting, stirring, lively, heroic, largehearted, splendid
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