meaning'deliver, reach, arrive, report, notify, forward'
 kunyomiとど.ける, -とど.け, とど.く
届けるとどけるto reach
き届きふゆきとどきnegligence, carelessness, incompetence, mismanagement
け届けつけとどけtip, present
こんいんとどけmarriage registration
届けこんいんとどけしょmarriage registration
こんいんとどけしょmarriage registration
とどけreport, notification, registration
届けとどけでreport, notification
届けとどけでるto report, to notify
届けむとどけwithout notice, without leave
届けるみとどけるto make sure of, to assure oneself of, to see with one's own eyes, to ascertain
り届けるおくりとどけるto send to, to deliver, to escort (a person) home
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